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Tapatío Recipe


This sauce is extremely popular because of its rich pepper flavor and a hint of acidity. This sauce is extremely popular because of its rich pepper flavor and a hint of acidity. 
Cuisine Mexican


  • 1 lb Fresno chiles
  • 15 Tbsp distilled vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • 1 3/4 tsp kosher salt
  • ½ lb red peppers
  • 3 garlic cloves


Step 1: Trim the Stems off the Chiles and Grill

  • Start by removing the stems from the chiles, but be sure to leave the base where the stem and the chiles attach intact. This is apparently going to give them an extra kick and keeps them tasting fiery.
  • Once the chiles are prepped, toss them in plenty of olive oil and grill them. You can cook them on a pan if you don’t have a grill; just make sure they are covered in enough olive oil so that they don’t burn.

Step 2: Grill the Red Peppers

  • Do the same with the red peppers, but this time remove both the stem and the base of the stem. Again, cover the red peppers in plenty of olive oil and slice them into wedges before grilling.

Step 3: Blend with Vinegar

  • Blend the roasted peppers and chiles in a food processor or using a hand blender, and make sure you add plenty of vinegar to keep the blades moving.

Step 4: Strain and Smash

  • Push the mixture through a sieve. You want to smash the peppers and chiles as much as possible and push them through the small holes in the sieve so that the sauce gets a bit of body.
  • If you don’t push the mixture through the sieve, you will end up with a very watery sauce that will run out very fast. The trick is to blend the peppers and chiles in enough liquid during step three to make this step easier.

Step 5: Combine the Rest of the Ingredients

  • Once the mixture has been strained, add the water, vinegar, grated cloves of garlic, and salt. Stir the sauce well and use a hand blender to make it smooth if you don’t like the idea of biting into pieces of grated garlic.

Step 6: Leave to Chill for a Few Days

  • Don’t worry if you aren’t patient enough o leave the sauce in the refrigerator for a few days before you slather it over your food; however, the tapatío tastes far better if you leave the flavors to mingle for a while.