Can I Use Olive Oil In Brownies? What Do Olive Oil Brownies Taste Like?

Can I use olive oil in brownies? This is a question that was asked by a friend who’s been trying to lose weight but still wanting to bake and serve brownies for her family.

Brownies are one of those popular desserts enjoyed by many people. However, it is also notorious for being fattening. Thus many cooks and chefs have experimented the use of other ingredients in brownies like olive oil.

But can you use olive oil in brownies?

bowls of Olive Oil on the table

bowls of Olive Oil on the table

The short answer is yes; it is possible to use olive oil in brownies. I know a lot of adventurous bakers who use olive oil in making brownies because the former doesn’t have the unhealthy fats that vegetable-oil based margarine has.

However, olive oil selection is very important in preserving the delicious flavor of brownies. This means you just don’t get olive oil and use it in the preparation of the well-loved dessert.


Why use olive oil in brownies?

Olive Oil In Brownies

Olive Oil In Brownies

There are two compelling reasons why you should consider using olive oil in brownies.

One is that it is obvious a healthier alternative to vegetable oil. Olive oil has high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids which are good for one’s health. On the other hand, most oil types used in brownies are rich in saturated and trans fats which can raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol.

The other reason is that olive oil won’t negatively affect the taste of brownies. Melted butter and vegetable oil are typically used in brownies. The latter is more preferred because of its mild flavor. Vegan butter can give a rich and chewy texture to the final product.

But using olive oil instead of butter or vegetable oil is not a bad idea, either. Sure, it can give a slightly bitter taste to brownies. Yet that bitter flavor could be a very good complement to the sweetness of brownies.

What type of olive oil to use in brownies?

bottles of Olive Oil on the table

bottles of Olive Oil on the table

As you may know, there are different types of olive oils— extra virgin, virgin, refined and light.

While extra virgin olive oil has the highest quality, it is not ideal for use in brownies. The heat coming from the oven can cause extra virgin olive oil to release a very strong smell that may ruin your appetite and cause you not to eat the brownies.

The best blend of olive oil for baking brownies is light olive oil. It is heavily refined and won’t bring a strong flavor or smell to brownies the way that extra virgin olive oil does.

Other tips to remember in using olive oil in brownies

Olive Oil In Brownies and blueberries

Olive Oil In Brownies and blueberries

In using olive oil in brownies, simply use the same amount of butter or vegetable oil as called for in the recipe or package instructions.

You can also experiment with a trial batch if you are not certain of the ideal flavor strength of the olive oil. Here’s how to do it—cut down the amount of olive oil in half then combine it with milder oil such as canola oil. I find canola oil a very good alternative because it is low in trans fat.

How to bake brownies with olive oil?

Here’s how you can make brownies using olive oil. This recipe is easy to do that you can finish it in 25 minutes. It yields 12 servings.



eggs, extra light olive oil, sugar, semi-sweet chocolate, chocolate chunks, vanilla, salt and flour

eggs, extra light olive oil, sugar, semi-sweet chocolate, chocolate chunks, vanilla, salt and flour

  • Two eggs
  • One-third cup of extra light olive oil
  • One-fourth cup of sugar
  • 4 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate
  • One and a half cup of chocolate chunks
  • Two teaspoons of vanilla
  • One teaspoon of salt
  • One-half cup of flour

You should also prepare a pizza cutter, a deep bowl, a baking dish, double boiler and parchment paper.

Step by step guide

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler

  • Preheat oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place a piece of parchment paper in the baking dish. Sprinkle some olive oil and set it aside.
  • Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. When it has melted, transfer it to a bowl.

Pour this mixture into the baking dish

Pour this mixture into the baking dish

  • Add the olive oil, sugar, eggs, salt, vanilla, and flour.
  • Fold in the chocolate chunks and mix well. Pour this mixture into the baking dish.

slicing the brownies into squares

slicing the brownies into squares

  • Transfer the mixture into the baking dish then cook in the oven for about 20 minutes.
  • Take out the baking dish and allow it to cool before slicing the brownies into squares.


In closing, I would like to assure you that it is OK to use olive oil in brownies. In fact, it is widely used by health-conscious chefs or bakers. Olive oil is a healthier alternative to butter and vegetable oil.

Extra light olive oil is considered as the best replacement for butter and vegetable oil in making brownies.

And as you have learned after reading the recipe I have shared, baking brownies with olive oil is very simple.

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