How Long Your Mushrooms Are Good For & How to Keep Them Fresh
Mushrooms are used in many recipes because of their subtle taste, texture and highly-absorbent nature. They are also protein-rich and contains a lot of vitamins making them a healthy option for a lot of people.
Whether you just bought fresh mushrooms and are wondering how long it is good for, or planning to use the mushrooms you have left in storage to make dinner but you are not sure if they are still good to eat, I will be giving you tips on how long mushrooms are ideally good for, as well as some basic tricks in spotting spoiled mushrooms.
Fresh Mushrooms

Market fresh whole mushrooms are usually good for about 7-10 days, depending on the humidity in your area. If the mushrooms have already been sliced, you will want to consume it as soon as possible.
Ideally, sliced mushrooms are good for up to five days but since sliced mushrooms are harder to keep fresh and tend to get stale faster, I personally don’t keep sliced mushrooms for more than two days.
If you keep a constant supply of bananas like I do, try to notice how long your bananas will last in room temperature and you will have a fair idea how long your fresh mushrooms are good for without storing them in the refrigerator.
It gets quite humid in my area especially in the summer months so I always keep my mushrooms in an airtight container then just put it in the refrigerator.
Spoilage Signs:
- Slimy texture
- Unpleasant odor
- Dark spots
- Molds
- Sour taste
- Wrinkled appearance
Canned and Bottled Mushrooms

Canned and jarred mushrooms are easy to store since the expiration dates are always printed on the can or jar itself. Unopened mushrooms will generally last up until the eat-by-date. Storing opened canned mushrooms is a different case altogether, though.
Once opened, your mushrooms are exposed to Oxygen which makes the process of spoilage faster. It is also very important to note that you should never store your food in the can, even for a day.
While cans are generally safe to store food, once exposed to air, the can starts releasing toxic chemicals into its contents that are harmful to both you and your family. Move your mushrooms to a sealed container with the juice for freshness. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to five days and still taste fresh.
Spoilage Signs:
- Slimy texture
- Unpleasant odor
- Dark spots
- Molds
- Sour taste
- Wrinkled appearance
Dried Mushrooms

I personally like dried mushrooms for easy storage. I can easily keep them in an container and not have to worry about them for months. Yes, I do mean for months, even up to a year if it is stored really well.
You just need to make sure it is kept in a cool, dry place, with no moisture seeping into your mushrooms and it will be good for a really long time. The main idea behind dried mushrooms, and other dried goods for that matter, is to remove the presence of water, since water is a decomposing agent which speeds up the process of spoilage.
While dried mushrooms need to be soaked for a few hours prior to cooking, you will also be able to manage the amount of mushrooms you use as compared to either fresh or canned mushrooms.
Spoilage Signs:
- Presence of molds
- Too hard and won’t spring back when pressed
- Odor in some cases
Frozen Mushrooms

One good way of storing your mushrooms to last longer is by keeping them in a container in the freezer, either cooked or uncooked. Note, however, that the presence of salt in any frozen foods result to less freshness.
Your mushrooms can last up to month if deeply frozen. Also, as a general rule, if you freeze food and thaw it, then freeze it again, storage life will become remarkably less.
You can either store enough mushrooms in a freezer safe container for one serving, or just look out for signs of spoilage before eating. Check for signs of spoilage after your frozen mushrooms has thawed and not while it still rock hard from the freezer. Signs may not be very obvious if they are still deeply frozen.
Spoilage Signs:
- Slimy texture
- Unpleasant odor
- Dark spots
- Molds
- Sour taste
- Wrinkled appearance
Cooked Mushrooms

It is harder to gauge the shelf life of cooked mushrooms. Oil, salt and sugar are common preservatives and extend the amount of time your mushrooms will be good for. You will have to remember though that some ingredients in your dish may spoil faster than your mushrooms and you really should check that as well.
I am usually very careful with mushrooms cooked with either onions or tomato sauce but other than that, they should last up to 5-7 days in a refrigerator.
Spoilage Signs:
- Slimy texture
- Unpleasant odor
- Dark spots
- Molds
- Sour taste
As with anything you put in your stomach, always check for signs of spoilage before eating. Any dollar that lands in the bin for spoiled food is still less grave than food intoxication.
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