Can You Freeze Donuts? How to Store Donuts Properly

Donuts won’t make any list of the superfoods that you should be eating more of. I would not blame you if you buy a box or so of donuts when Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme donuts go on sale. Today let’s learn how to freeze donuts properly so you do not have to eat them all in one sitting (even though you may want to)

Unless you have been living under a rock, then you would know that donuts are usually sold by the dozens. So I doubt that you would be able to consume all those donuts in one sitting. Thus you likely ask: how long would donuts stay fresh in the fridge? And can you freeze donuts? Could you store donuts in a plastic bag?

Related Article: Can You Freeze Almond Milk? How To Do It?

What’s the shelf life of donuts?

Colorful Donuts in the box

Colorful Donuts in the box

Donuts don’t have the longest shelf life. When stored at normal room temperature, freshly baked donuts will last for 1-2 days. Feel free to store the donuts in an air-tight container, even a ziplock bag will do!

Plain donuts, Glazed donuts can also be stored at room temperature.

Cream-filled donuts, however, should be immediately refrigerated as these will spoil easily when stored at normal room temperature (due to cream or custard filling).

Storing donuts in the refrigerator can extend their shelf life to one week.

Can you freeze donuts?

Colorful Donuts in the box and plate of donuts

Colorful Donuts in the box and plate of donuts

However, freezing is the best way to prolong the freshness of donuts. When stored in the freezer, donuts will be safe for consumption for about 2-3 months.So yes, you can freeze donuts. In fact, this is the best way to extend the shelf life of this sweet treat.

How to freeze donuts?

Freezing donuts is relatively easy. You should prepare the following things, though:


Cookie sheet, Spatula, Wax paper, Large plastic freezer-safe container, Label

Cookie sheet, Spatula, Wax paper, Large plastic freezer-safe container, Label

  • Cookie sheet
  • Spatula
  • Wax paper
  • Large plastic freezer-safe container or freezer-safe bag
  • Label/marker

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can freeze donuts:

Step-by-step guide

Line the bottom of the cookie sheet with wax paper

Line the bottom of the cookie sheet with wax paper

  • Line the bottom of the cookie sheet with wax paper. Arrange the donuts in a single layer on the cookie sheet. The side with the glaze should be facing up. There should be enough space between the donuts, too, so that they won’t touch each other.
  • Put the cookie sheet in the freezer for 3 to 5 hours, or until the donuts have been completely frozen. You may also leave the donuts in the freezer.

A bottle of donuts

A bottle of donuts

  • Take out the cookie sheet from the freezer. Using a spatula, remove the frozen donuts from the cookie sheet and gently transfer them to the plastic container.
  • Ensure that the donuts won’t be thawing when you transfer them to the container or freezer bag. Remove excess air then seal the container tightly. Then mark the container with the date so you would know how long the donuts have been sitting in the freezer.
  • Put the container in the freezer. As I mentioned earlier, donuts can retain their freshness for up to 3 months when stored in the freezer.

How to thaw frozen donuts?

Colorful donuts in the box

Colorful donuts in the box

There are several ways to thaw frozen donuts.

One is to remove the container from the freezer and remove the lid. Place the container on the counter and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Covering the container will trap the moisture, causing the glaze of the donut to melt. You would end up with donuts producing a sticky mess.

You can also turn to the good ole microwave oven for the job at hand. By using the microwave oven, you don’t have to wait for 10 minutes to thaw the doughnut. Simply open the container and microwave it for 10 to 15 seconds. You can then sprinkle the donuts with powdered sugar to make it more appetizing.

Don’t have a microwave? Then an oven can come in handy. You can reheat donuts in the oven, although it can take a bit longer. Start by preheating the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then wrap the frozen donut in aluminum foil before putting it in the oven.

Heat the donut for about 5 minutes before removing it from the oven.

Reusing leftover donuts

The donuts you have stored in the fridge may no longer taste as delicious as it used to be a few days ago. Should you toss it? No! You can reuse it with this donut French toast recipe.This recipe would make 16 pieces. You’ll spend about 20 minutes preparing it.


A Plate of donuts and a bowl of eggs

A Plate of donuts and a bowl of eggs

  • Eight donuts sliced in half
  • Two large eggs
  • Cinnamon, one teaspoon
  • Vanilla extract, two teaspoons
  • Salt
  • Butter, one tablespoon
  • Honey, one and a half tablespoon
  • Half and half, two-thirds cup

Step-by-step guide

Whisk together the eggs, half-and-half, vanilla extract, honey, salt and cinnamon in a bowl

Whisk together the eggs, half-and-half, vanilla extract, honey, salt and cinnamon in a bowl

  • Whisk together the eggs, half-and-half, vanilla extract, honey, salt and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Place a nonstick skillet over medium heat and melt a tablespoonful of butter.

Dip the donuts into the mixture and after a few seconds, transfer to the skillet

Dip the donuts into the mixture and after a few seconds, transfer to the skillet

  • Dip the donuts into the mixture and after a few seconds, transfer to the skillet.
  • Cook the donuts for 2-3 minutes.
  • Serve immediately with maple syrup.


Like cookies, donuts are one of those sweet treats we just can’t get enough of. Because it is so sweet and not the healthiest of foods, a box of donuts should not be consumed in one sitting. You may refrigerate it, but freezing is undoubtedly the best way to extend its shelf life. Follow the steps I shared above, and you should be able to keep donuts fresh for two to three months.

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