Does Watching Fish Relieve Stress?

According to recent research, it has been found that watching fish can have a very good impact on your mental health and really help you to de-stress. Of course, we’re not talking about looking at fish in a fish mongers, we’re talking the real things in its watery environment. Believe it or not, this stress relief actually has a name. It is called Aquarium Therapy.

The research showed that just watching fish swim around in a natural environment Lead to noticeable reductions in blood pressure and heart rate in participants. This activity is reminiscent of going to the beach and has the same effects. 

Have you ever sat on a beach watching the waves crash into the shore and felt your anxiety rise? No, you almost have no choice other than to relax and the same is true of watching fish.

So, this is a therapy that almost anyone can have, for free and at home. You don’t have to get the largest tank on the market with the most expensive fish. You can buy a tank, fish and any equipment you need to suit your budget. 

You might want to start small and see how it goes but believe me, you’ll be hooked. The childhood glee of winning a goldfish in a plastic bag of water has now become an adult activity to change the stress levels in your older body.

Fish come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and prices. It well works doing your research first as you may find that you like some more than others. Some people prefer the luminous breeds and others prefer the floaty angel looking ones. 

Some people like larger fish such as Koi Carp and others like the shoals of tiny fish. You may want to bring the kids along to help choose the fish so that everyone has a say in the type of underworld fantasy you create. This way they will also have a part in the process and will hopefully help you clean out the tank!

You also need to create the right environment for your fish so make sure you check carefully to see what plants they need to thrive in their underwater home. These two will add to the pleasure of your aquarium therapy as well as improve your fish wellbeing.

The tank for your fish is also a key consideration. Think about the size of the selected room, the current layout, and where you can house a tank. Make sure it isn’t too close to a window and that the temperature of the space is appropriate for the type of fish you want. Make sure the size of the tank fits into the overall scheme and isn’t too small or too big. 

Situating your tank in the utility room will not be a place where you can sit and watch your fish to de-stress. Placing it next to the television will also ruin the impact of this fascinating watery kingdom.

Having a beautiful fish tank can be a real room feature and wow your guests so make sure you give it the place it deserves. Large tanks with subtle lighting can transform any space so why not have a look at what’s available.

So, next time you’re feeling stressed, remember what you have learned here and make sure you find time to be amazed at the incredible effects of Aquarium Therapy.

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