Make Quick Margaritas with the Best Margarita Mix

Margarita mix is such a fun and easy way to please your guests at your next party. Of course, a purist will mix their own. There’s an easy way to make margaritas, but if you are looking for the quickest and easiest solution, try one of these excellent ready-made bottles.

Just mix in your favorite tequila and you’re good to go! If you want to add a refreshing touch, and especially if you have some helping hands on deck, crush ice and your margarita mix with the tequila in a quiet blender, and get ready for some happy drinkers.

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What Makes a Margarita So Yummy?

Margaritas are so delicious because they balance four of the five human tastes! Lime and tequila are both sour, and citrus juice neutralizes the bitterness of tequila as well, due to its acidity.

The mix adds sweetness, and of course, the ubiquitous rim of salt adds, well, saltiness. This riot of tastes makes margaritas absolutely delicious.

When you are planning a party, you have a lot of details to deal with. With these delicious, pre-made margarita mixes, you can focus on some of those other details, such as the food and snacks, a meal you may be preparing, and of course, welcoming and socializing with your guests, and, most importantly, enjoying yourself. After all, this is your party too!

We have screened margarita mixes both for taste and quality. Your guests will thank you because you will have provided them with a delicious drink while sparing them unnecessary hangovers.

With so many choices at your local liquor store, we have narrowed down the search and saved you needless time and expense experimenting. We are including a few excellent options for different budgets so that you can choose the one that works for you.

We tasted these margarita mixes both with and without tequila to get a sense of the mix of flavors before the alcohol went out of our heads. Once your guests are drunk, they probably won’t be too picky.

Let’s start with the best option: Mix your own! We are including a recipe for homemade margarita mix, to give you a sense of what you are looking for in a mix.

If you have the time and ingredients, mix you own. If not, use this as a reference as you scan the ingredients on your bottle of store-bought margarita mix.

The Perfect Margarita

The Perfect Margarita

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 Cup Tequila
  • ⅔ Cup Fresh Squeezed Lime Juice
  • ⅓ Cup Orange Flavored Liqueur
  • 2 Teaspoons Fine Sugar
  • Coarse salt

To Make: Dip the rims of 4 Margarita glasses in the salt, then combine the remaining ingredients in a shaker, or, for a frozen margarita, in a blender with ice. pour into glasses…, and enjoy…

Stirrings Simple Margarita Mix: Simply the Best

Stirrings Simple Margarita Mix is our favorite choice, for good reasons. The citrus element in a Margarita mix is key, as it helps to control the bitter taste of the tequila.

Since the mix is both sweet and sour, the right balance is important. A sickly sweet dominant flavor will take away the complexities that make margaritas great.

Too much sugar means extra calories and a potential hangover the next day. Stirrings Simple balances the flavors to bring the best of all tastes to the tongue.

The key to a good mix is also that it is similar to what you would make in a homemade batch; no hidden, chemical ingredients, plenty of lime juice (in this case, key limes, which boost the quality); just the basics. It is indeed simple, so, just mix and enjoy!

Powell & Mahoney Classic Margarita Mix: For the Classic Taste that Margarita Purists will Love

Powell & Mahoney Classic Margarita Mix; its name reflects it’s contents. This is a crowd-pleaser, as it has a classic taste, is plenty sweet, and is a mix that your party-goers will recognize as a classic margarita flavor.

It is made of the basic ingredients that you would want in your margarita mix, without chemical preservatives, and high-quality ingredients. The only drawback is that it is both pricey and perhaps a bit on the sweet side. However, the most solid option, and sure to be a crowd-pleaser.


Trader Joe’s Margarita Mix: Quality plus Quantity

Trader Joe’s Margarita Mix is an excellent choice when you want to be able to buy in quantity without breaking the bank. It tastes good, and is much more affordable than some of our other recommendations.

It’s important to mention that it contains lemon juice (not a classic choice) and definitely has a lemonade flavor. However, quantity may make up for quality if you need to serve a LOT of margaritas.

Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix

Jose Cuervo Margarita Mix

This is ubiquitous as far as Margarita mixes go. If you have ordered a margarita in a bar, chances are it was made with Jose Cuervo, because it is a good, basic solid margarita mix.

It comes in a variety of flavors, from the traditional lime and orange liqueur to more interesting flavors like strawberry, mango and (grimace-face emoji), watermelon.

While you might not want to mess with the classic and try out these new-fangled recipes adding some strange flavors, it’s nice to know there are options, and perhaps a novelty flavor is just what you are looking for to complete a snack, dish, or party theme. (Let’s skip the pumpkin spice margarita mix for Halloween. Just don’t go there).

In any case, Jose Cuervo’s classic lime Margarita is tasty and not too sweet; and likely to be a mix your guest will recognize and associate with one of the world’s favorite mixed drinks.

To wrap things up…

There is no substitute for homemade, but we have put together a respectable list of options for when you just can’t do everything, that are sure to please your party people. So raise a glass, and remember, “you are enough.”

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