10 Techniques to Fully Embrace Your Tidy Side

Despite being a daily chore, cleaning can be daunting for many. Thankfully, an online community has shared some of the best cleaning tips to end the looming procrastination. Here are ten ideas for tackling messes for good!

1. A Little Every Day

Woman cleaning house
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

After thoroughly cleaning the whole house for about 2 hours, a member finally resorted to the daily cleaning method. Doing it has reduced their cleaning time to half an hour. Another member shares how their grandmother always said that if you keep on top of things, they don’t get out of control. “It makes life so much easier if you do a little every day,” they say.

2. Caddy

Woman with cleaning trolley
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In terms of equipment, a user swears by their caddy or cleaning trolley. Now, instead of having to find the stuff they need, it’s right there with them, so it only takes a second. Their caddy has all the essentials, including kitchen spray, cleaners (Windex, Mr. Clean), denture tablets (an easy way to clean a toilet), paper towels, sponges, scrubbing brush, and rubber gloves.

3. The Table Dump

Messy dining table
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Many users are in awe of this technique. When cleaning, a member puts anything that needs to be put away on the dining table. They put away all the miscellaneous things at the end so they don’t waste time walking around from room to room and getting distracted. They group the items by rooms they belong to as it makes it quicker to put them away.

4. Perfectionism Perils

Woman cleaning kitchen shelf
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you fall down the perfectionism rabbit hole, you will likely get very little done. Hence, one member shares that they don’t make every room 100% perfect. “I leave it at about 90% and do a little thing.” For instance, they might clean the bathroom mirror one day, and the next, they change the hand towel and rinse the toothbrush holders. This way, they never have to do a big deep clean of the bathroom.

5. Channeling Your Inner Roomba

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A member shares their friend’s advice of working “like a three-dimensional sentient Roomba.” Starting from the top, moving to the bottom, traversing left to right through a room. Working your way down helps because if you drop something while dusting, you will hit it up later instead of having to go back and fix it.

6. The Rocking Roborock

Robot Vaccum
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many members swear by their Roomba as it helps when starting the task seems like a massive chore. “The fact that a THING can just START at a specific time regardless of motivation level has made my brain really appreciative,” describes one commenter. They start clearing the mess of the floors and cleaning a bit the second their Roborock declares, “Start scheduled cleaning,” in a calm British voice. “My brain notices it from wherever. And my body is set in motion and gets a tiny bit done.”

7. A Systematic Approach

Vacuum mop
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“When you find your system, it seems to take so much mental and physical stress off,” comments one. Many find that regularly cleaning the whole house has proved fruitful since you check each room, put things back, or quickly wipe surfaces. A member vacuums the entire house every three days and sweeps the kitchen floor in between.

8. Planning and Scanning

Young Woman Cleaning The Wooden Shelf
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Strategy is essential in war and cleaning. A commenter starts at the front entryway, then scans the room clockwise and wipes away anything that needs it. Doing so helps them eliminate the distracting dust or dirt in random places, like on the aperture of a cupboard or lint on top of the washer and dryer while in the middle of other tasks.

9. First Things First

Woman cleaning bath tub
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When a user had young kids, they were so distressed with their school and keeping the house clean that they felt they couldn’t do it all. So, they decided to prioritize. To them, the most important things were the kitchen, the bathrooms, and bedding. “Those things needed cleaning first before I did anything else. That was pretty much all my energy could afford before I had to go and do some kid thing.”

10. Consistency Is Key

Man vacuuming
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It took a member until their 35th birthday to realize that if someone gave them some specific “rules” or guidelines for cleaning, they would be good at learning and following them! Consistency and rules are critical to a speck-free house.

Source: Reddit.

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Older Woman
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