10 One-Trick Kitchen Tools We Won’t Give Up, No Matter What
Take a look at your kitchen. I’m sure it’s filled with countless gadgets and tools that take up valuable space on counters and in cabinets. However, even the most dedicated declutterer wouldn’t dare part with specific tools! Recently, men and women met in an online discussion to reveal their favorite one-trick kitchen tools that they’d never give up, no matter what!
1. Rice Cooker

Messing up rice is one of the easiest things to do in the kitchen, which makes a quality rice cooker invaluable. If you constantly deal with an overflowing, steaming pot of rice ruining your stovetop, then a rice cooker is precisely what you need. Not only are they less expensive than you would think, but they’ll make cooking rice essentially effortless.
2. Pressure Cooker

Thanks to its innovative heating method, a pressure cooker can cut the cooking time of many foods in half! One person sings the praises of his pressure cooker. “My go-to kitchen tool is the pressure cooker,” explains one man. “People use them for all sorts of cooking, but for me, their sole purpose is to cook beans.” I admire someone who stubbornly uses a versatile piece of equipment to cook the simplest dishes!
3. Salad Spinner

Salad spinners are as old-school as it gets. Even in 2023, they remain the best way to ensure your salads are fresh and dry before adding the dressing of your choice. Suffering from soggy salads is a conundrum no home chef wants to endure! A salad spinner goes a long way toward giving you and your guests quality greens.
4. Molcajete

I heartily endorse any kitchen tools that involve delicious Mexican flavors. From the sounds of one person, everybody should own a molcajete! “I love my molcajete, which is a traditional Mexican mortar and pestle,” reveals one woman. “Mine is about eight inches in diameter and probably weighs 15 pounds. I have to keep it on a chunk of thick cardboard to avoid damaging the counter. It’s bulky. But oh man, the salsa that emerges from it is unrivaled.”
5. Espresso Machine

Although espresso machines are expensive, coffee lovers know they’re the only kitchen appliance that can give them restaurant-quality beverages from their homes. An espresso machine is something you thought you didn’t need, but once you own one, you realize how it’s something you could never live without! Manufacturers like Breville have perfected the art of delicious home espresso.
6. Vacuum Sealer

Countless people confess that their kitchen vacuum sealer is a total game-changer! “I always use my vacuum machine to pump and seal bags for storage and water baths,” reveals one woman. “The cost was tough to justify, but it makes life 100% easier for marinating food, food storage, and water bath cooking.” With prices ranging from $60 to $160, you must pay big bucks for a quality vacuum sealer.
7. Soup Maker

To make a long story short, a woman I was dating in San Diego gifted me a high-end soup maker (she was an executive at a major appliance manufacturer, and I suppose she had soup makers to give away to handsome men). Although the relationship ended shortly after she gave it to me, my relationship with the soup maker is still going strong nearly four years later. My soup maker is fantastic, and I wouldn’t trade it for any other kitchen tool!
8. KitchenAid Mixer

Quality standing mixers are prohibitively expensive, and as a result, only a few homes have one. However, according to many home chefs, they’re worth every penny. “If I could buy any single thing for the kitchen with one purpose only, it would be this: My KitchenAid mixer!” exclaims one man. “I’m into making pizza dough big time, and the hand kneading makes it very problematic for me for many reasons. Hang on to your KitchenAid!”
9. Waffle Iron

I dare you to name a one-trick kitchen tool that gives more joy to whoever uses it than the classic waffle iron. Everything from breakfast to dessert is leveled up a few notches when someone breaks out the old waffle iron; arguably, nothing tastes better than homemade waffles (maybe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top). I can’t be the only one reading this craving waffles, am I?
10. Panini Press

Although many home chefs think panini presses are redundant, proud owners aren’t shy about singing its praises! “I have one of those panini press grill things,” says one woman possessing a unique way with words. “It takes up so much space on my tiny kitchen counter, but I love making crunchy sandwiches. It also serves as a toaster, which I don’t have.”
Source: Reddit.
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